I went Tropicana Mall to catch Twilight: New Moon movie all by myself and I am excited! I hardly believe the fact that I did it. There are a few more things that I did which I did not expect I would, and I am amazed. Seriously, I believe I needed some changes and therefore I challenged myself.
I guess I realized that I need to live as if I am dying soon; world end? Anyhow, I am extremely proud with myself as I carries the brand new me in ME. I make new friends almost every day, smile to almost everyone I meet, and respecting & appreciating what I have right now.
I strongly believe that this bold attitude of mine comes from the influences of my campaign, my experiences with my friends, and of course speeches which I had attended. I am truly thankful for all those awakening “slaps”! LOL!
Okay now comments on Twilight: New Moon... I have to say it is quite funny actually AND I totally totally think that the written version is indeed better! Other than having glimpse of Jacob's sexy body, I don't find anything else interesting (except that Alice is prettier!)
The whole movie is quite pathetic but somehow I LURVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE them!!! LOL! I just love vampire movies, so yea...
To Do? OR Not To Do?
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