A brand new year means a new journey to step unto... What happened in the past are not meant to bring forward, lets bid goodbye... It is easy to talk but never easy to walk the talk... Sigh...
It has been a long time since I last confide. I never really have the time to do so, do I? I have to admit I changed a lot. I felt older, very much older. Maybe it is because I buried myself too much into my work and nothing on life. Gosh, I need a break!
Anyhow, there are many joy and happening events to yap about! i.e. marriage, new born, love, you name it!!! Okay, one thing at a time!
My brother got married last summer, my birthday eve, & now I have nephew Nathan! Okay, I hate this little guy as he made my life miserable! He enjoys torturing me with his non-stop cry, his fussiness, screams, & worst - his smelly pampers! Lol! But I do miss him though when I am off to work.
Then recently, my cousin sister got married! Good new huh! And baby Jack (my another cousin's son) is going to have his 1 year old birthday soon! Not only that, there are more birthday celebrations coming! Not to forget the Chinese celebration, New Year means plenty of red packets... Muahahahahahahaha...

Oh wait! I remember having this adrenaline rush when I spoke to a guy from website dept. His voice was superb! He got this macho, soft yet very firm voice that cause my heart skip a beat. I was unable to speak properly! Hmmm... He made my day...
I know this sounds crazy but it is okay... I enjoyed this pathetic moment LOL!